The smart revolution of your kitchen.

New generation of iKORE ovens

iKORE is a smart generation of ovens. Two ranges to adapt to every chef’s needs. A professional, configurable oven which stands out for its precision in cooking results thanks to its steam saturation system and effective climate management.

A new concept of cooking.

Cooking Control

Your desired cooking results.

The new iKORE ovens generation guarantees the highest precision whilst cooking, for the optimal result.

User experience

Fagor Touch, easier to use than ever.

Intuitive, simple and clear. Our oven is the perfect guide to help you in your cooking.

Food Safety

Hygiene, above all.

Place importance on the shape to ensure the oven’s cleanliness. The oven’s design is engineered to guarantee maximum hygiene together with good operation and cooking.

Robust design.

Built to last.


Connected for maximum performance.

A unique connection between you and your business. A way to connect your machines to each other and to supervise them from anywhere, at any time.

Innovating together from the same team.

Professionals from the BCC Innovation technological centre at the Basque Culinary Center have tested the usability of iKORE, as well as the impact of the technologies featured in the oven on the quality of the food, in the LABe Digital Gastronomy Lab, a laboratory for innovation and digital transformation in gastronomy.


"We have united scientific and culinary knowledge..."

Fernando Palacio

iKORE Ovens Projects Head Engineer at Fagor Professional


"We work on the three pillars of our project: laboratory, usability and chef."

Jonan Eskibel

iKORE Ovens Projects Head Engineer at Fagor Professional


"The project has enabled us to develop work methodologies where information flows."

Olaia Estrada

Laboratory Manager at BCC Innovation Projects


"We have sought the attention of chefs – our target audience – to analyse the usability of our ovens."

María Mora

Researcher in the Field of Sensory Analysis at BCC


"The BCC provides us with knowledge that can be structured, measured and developed."

Oier Biritxinaga

Corporate Head of Fagor Professional

iKORE smart ovens are revolutionising the cooking industry and are the latest generation of appliances that are transforming the way we cook in restaurants, commercial kitchens and hotels. A clear example of this innovation is the iKORE smart electric oven, which has become an essential tool in modern gastronomy.

The latest generation ovens incorporate advanced features that allow precise control of temperature, humidity and cooking time. This is especially valuable in commercial environments, where consistency and quality of dishes are critical. iKORE smart commercial ovens have simplified the task of chefs by giving them the ability to program recipes and receive real-time notifications on cooking progress.

In the catering sector, state-of-the-art ovens are indispensable allies for smart commercial kitchens. These units enable efficient and consistent production of high quality dishes, meeting the expectations of the most demanding diners.

In hotels around the world, iKORE smart ovens are also making their mark. Thanks to their ability to adapt to various cooking needs and ease of use, hotels can offer their guests an exceptional dining experience.

A highlight of these state-of-the-art ovens is their smart cleaning system. Cleaning is a fundamental part of any kitchen operation, and iKORE smart ovens simplify this process by incorporating technologies that reduce waste build-up and facilitate automated cleaning.

Smart ovens, whether used in restaurants, commercial kitchens or hotels, represent a revolution in the culinary industry. Their ability to deliver consistent results and their smart cleaning system make them a valuable investment for any catering establishment seeking excellence in the kitchen.

Revolutionising the Commercial Kitchen with Next Generation Smart Ovens

In the era of haute cuisine and efficiency in commercial cooking, the latest generation of iKORE smart ovens are making a difference. Restaurants, commercial kitchens and hotels are adopting these state-of-the-art appliances to improve the quality of their preparations, increase productivity and facilitate cleaning tasks. In this article, we will explore how smart commercial ovens, smart commercial electric ovens and their next-generation variants are transforming the world of professional cooking.

Commercial Smart Oven: Innovation in the Professional Kitchen

iKORE smart commercial ovens are much more than just kitchen appliances. They are highly advanced devices that harness technology to provide unprecedented control and precision in cooking food. These ovens, designed to withstand high demands and produce consistent results, have revolutionised the restaurant and hospitality industry.

Commercial Smart Electric Oven: Energy Efficiency and Precise Control

iKORE smart electric commercial ovens are an essential part of this technological breakthrough. They use electricity as a source of energy, which makes them more cost-effective and environmentally friendly. In addition, their ability to maintain a constant and uniform temperature is essential in commercial kitchens where large volumes of food are prepared.

Latest Generation Professional Ovens: More than just a Hot Box

iKORE's latest generation of professional ovens are multifunctional units that adapt to the specific needs of commercial kitchens. They can bake, roast, braise, grill, smoke and steam, all with a high degree of precision. These ovens incorporate advanced technologies such as touch screens, humidity sensors and connectivity, making it easy to programme and monitor recipes. This is essential for the consistency of the dishes in a professional environment.

Commercial Smart Ovens: Efficiency in the Kitchen

One of the greatest benefits of iKORE commercial smart ovens is their ability to improve efficiency in the kitchen. Restaurants and commercial kitchens face great pressure to serve high quality dishes in the shortest possible time. Smart ovens enable faster and more accurate cooking, reducing waiting time for customers and improving overall satisfaction.

Smart Ovens for Restaurants: Quality and Speed

Restaurants are one of the main beneficiaries of this culinary revolution. With fierce competition in the industry, restaurants need to stand out for the quality of their dishes and the speed of their preparation. Smart ovens allow chefs to control every cooking detail, ensuring that food is served at its exact doneness, maintaining its original flavour and texture.

Smart Ovens for Commercial Kitchens: An Ally in Mass Production

In commercial kitchens, where large volumes of food are produced, efficiency is essential. Smart commercial ovens can handle multiple trays at once and ensure that every dish comes out perfect. In addition, their programming capabilities allow commercial kitchens to manage their production more effectively, avoiding wastage of ingredients and resources.

Smart Ovens for Hotels: Quality Dining Experience

Hotels are also taking advantage of iKORE smart oven technology to offer their guests an exceptional dining experience. Whether it's breakfast, lunch or dinner, hotels can prepare delicious and varied dishes efficiently, which improves customer satisfaction and builds loyalty.

Latest Generation Professional Ovens: Smart Cleaning for Better Hygiene

One of the highlights of these latest generation iKORE ovens is their smart cleaning system. Hygiene in the professional kitchen is of paramount importance, and these ovens have been designed with this in mind. Some models have self-cleaning systems that remove debris and grease, reducing manual labour and ensuring a clean and safe working environment.

Culinary Transformation with Smart Ovens

iKORE commercial smart ovens, including commercial smart electric ovens and state-of-the-art professional ovens, are pushing the cooking industry to a new level. From restaurants to commercial kitchens and hotels, these units offer precise control, efficiency and smart cleaning that translates into delicious dishes and a high quality culinary experience. In an increasingly demanding world, when it comes to food, smart ovens are the answer to meet customer expectations and continue to excel in gastronomy.

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